Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Help Japan

The sea wall in Taro
Taro, Japan had 4,000 residents and close to 2,000 homes on March 10th, 2011. The next day they had close to 4,000 residents that survived the tsunami (approximately 150 people died) and they had 150 homes. Almost the entire community including homes, stores, banks, schools and most businesses were destroyed in a matter of minutes.

It is greatly debated if the Japanese government was prepared to handle this emergency. I'm not sure if any country or agency can move as fast as the victims would like. The government worked with the local leaders to set up temporary shelter in gymnasiums and schools just outside the tsunami zone. They provided clothing, food, water, medical care and transportation. The only hole in their plan was the 150 or so families that remained in their homes. While their homes had not been destroyed  many of them had water damage and no one had access to food, water or supplies as the entire infrastructure was gone. In an unprecedented move, the local Japanese government approached the churches to provide care and follow up to those who remained in their homes. The church became the provide of relief supplies to these families. In a country where less than 1% are Christian, it was a great opportunity to share the love of Christ. 

1 comment:

  1. There are no mistakes in God's plan.
    I'm so glad Bayside could be a part of the restoration process.
